Welcome to the Drury Lane Theatrical Fund website. Here you can learn about

About Us
This Fund is the oldest surviving charity for the benefit of actors. In 1747, David Garrick bought a half share in the Drury Lane patent from the new patentee James Lacy and once the finances of the Theatre were running smoothly they considered the idea of a Fund to pay annuities to the actors in the company. However, it was not until 1766, when Garrick had spent some time on the Continent, that he returned to find that the actors at Covent Garden had actually set up such a Fund for their company. He immediately set to work to “institute and establish a Fund, for the Support of such Performers whose Age or Infirmities should oblige them to retire from the Stage.” The two Patentees and the company members subscribed, as did members of the public, and Garrick also gave the new Fund a house in Drury Lane. By May 1774, enough capital had been raised, and a Committee of thirteen members was formed and a book of Rules and Regulations drawn up.
Latest News
Cakes and Ale: Mr Robert Baddeley and his Twelfth Night Cakes
​To let you all know that our esteemed Master of the Fund, Mr Nick Bromley, has a new book out called Cakes & Ale. It covers Mr Robert Baddeley and his Twelfth Night cakes. Its availalbe until Dec 2nd at a preview price of £9.99 (inc p&p).

In the Grand Saloon!
The cake was cut by the Frozen company which together with the punch was enjoyed by all the guests.
Thank you to LW Theatres and Jeremy Roberts, Theatre Manager of Drury Lane, for their generosity and help making the evening such a success.
An enormous thank you to Caroline and Rose Fooks for their beautiful cake which was the star attraction at the Baddeley cake ceremony on twelfth night.

A huge thank you to the cast of Frozen and Disney inc for enabling us to carry on the tradition with the cutting of the cake, beautifully made by Christina Georgiou.
The cast were on stage and guests socially distanced in the stalls to listen to the Master's speech and drink the health of Robert Baddeley.
Thank you to LW Theatres and to Jeremy Roberts and his team for a truly punchy punch.

What a wizzy time we all had at our fabulous West End Wendy's reunion. Thank you all for contributing to our Fund to the tune of £300. So kind and typical of our profession, which has to have the most generous Guys and Dolls.
Thank you from all of us to all of you.
and thank you dear Scott St Martyn for organising our yearly bash...it was a smash!
By the way Scott St Martyn has raised over £5,000 through Just Giving for the Fund and we thank him hugely.